Our offering integrates expertise in precision magnetic field measurement, an understanding of magnetic system applications, a passion for industrial quality, and the responsiveness of a small company.
Research and Development (R&D) is ingrained in Metrolab’s DNA. We invest approximately 18% of our sales and 41% of man-hours in R&D, twice as much as other mature high-tech industries.
We control the entire value chain, from product design to manufacturing, global distribution, and after-sales service.
Above all, we think ‘beyond the product’: our experts are at your disposal to help you find the high-precision, easy-to-use, and productive magnetic measurement solution that best suits your application and requirements. With Metrolab, you benefit from an excellent understanding of your environment, your needs as a scientist, and your industrial constraints.
For very specific needs, we are ready to partner with you to once again create an innovative new product. We develop and maintain our unique expertise through an international network of scientific consultants and university collaborations, such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Thomas Hargé

Jacques Tinembart

Sébastien Benz
R&D Manager

David Overney
Manufacturing Manager

Antoine Daridon, PhD
Business Development Manager

Claude Thabuis
Financial Manager

Julio Vieira
R&D Project Manager

David Espasandin
Methods and R&D Engineer

Julien Songeon, PhD
R&D Physicist

Marion Holvoet
Software Engineer

Sahak Agopyan
Embedded Systems Engineer

Bertrand Humeau
Electronics Technician

Anny Murtro
Executive Assistant

Norman Mantilleri
Electronics Technician

Sonia Gouverneur
Production Technician

Christine Joz Roland
Production Technician

Xavier Paternot
Chairman of the Board

Pascal Sommer
Board Member and Founder

Andreas P. Friedrich, PhD.
Board Member

Dan Kerpelman
Board member