
To ensure reliable measurements, the magnetometers used in industry must undergo regular calibration.

This process can be carried out by the manufacturer or by a commercial calibration laboratory. As a leading manufacturer of commercial NMR magnetometers, Metrolab holds a privileged position within national standards laboratories.

Precision, ease of use, and reliability are distinctive features of Metrolab, widely recognized in magnetic calibration facilities. Furthermore, since 2023, Metrolab is proud to be accredited as an ISO17025 Laboratory for magnetic field measurement.

Our references

Metrolab, Setting the Standard

To guarantee reliable measurements, the magnetometers used in industry must be regularly calibrated. Calibration can be performed by the manufacturer or by a commercial calibration laboratory. In either case, calibration requires a standard, usually established and maintained by a national standards laboratory in collaboration with international standardization committees.

Metrolab proudly stands as the sole private laboratory that is ISO17025 accredited to calibrate NMR Precision Teslameters. The NMR Precision Teslameter PT2026 is not only pivotal within our own calibration processes but also serve as a secondary standard for other calibration laboratories, further establishing our unique position in the industry.

Time for Reference

A physical magnetic standard, meaning a standardized high-precision magnet, is too expensive for widespread use. NMR magnetometers rely on carefully measuring a physical constant, the gyromagnetic ratio. These magnetometers serve as practical secondary standards.

Thus, the field generated by a relatively inexpensive reference magnet can be measured with an NMR teslameter and then used to calibrate other magnetometers. As a leading manufacturer of commercial NMR magnetometers, Metrolab holds a privileged position in calibration and standards laboratories. Precision, measurement range, ease of use, and reliability are inherent to Metrolab and well-known to magnetic calibration establishments.

Calibrating In-House

While reference magnets may be relatively inexpensive, they are typically still bulky and specialized equipment. For this reason, magnetometer calibration is performed in only a few specialized facilities, resulting in high costs and logistical burdens when many instruments need calibration.

For calibration at specific magnetic fields, Metrolab offers a solution: a range of ultra-compact permanent magnets with a sufficiently large opening for an NMR probe as well as the instrument to be calibrated. Using an integrated correction coil, the field can even be regulated with precision compatible with NMR. If you receive our magnet/teslameter kit in the morning, you could perform the calibration before lunch!

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