Revolutionizing Magnetic Field Measurement We are excited to announce the release of EZMag3D V1.2.3, packed…

Find the right API to design your software
Write your own software! If you prefer to develop your software instead of using the…

Metrolab NMR Magnetometers comparison
Comparing the NMR Magnetic Field Camera MFC2046 with legacy instruments! This document describes the enhancements…

Metrolab is proud to support the MRI4ALL hackathon!
Metrolab is proud to support the MRI4ALL hackathon! The MRI4ALL Hackathon aimed to jointly develop…

Metrolab is attending ENC, Asilomar, CA, USA, april 7-11, 2024,
Meet Metrolab CEO during ENC, Asilomar, CA, USA! We are delighted to invite you to…

Metrolab Nominated for the Innovation Award delivered by the CCIG
Metrolab nominated to the Grands Prix de l’Economie by the CCIG -Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie…

Metrolab is attending MT28, Aix-en-Provence, September 10-15, 2023
Meet Metrolab R&D team during MT28! Join us in discovering a world of innovation with…

Metrolab Achieves ISO 17025 Accreditation for Magnetic Measurements
Elevating accuracy and quality: Metrolab Technology SA attains ISO 17025 accreditation for magnetic measurement calibration.…

Metrolab is attending Coilteh Italia in Pordenone, Sept 20-21, 2023
Meet Stéphane and Antoine during Coiltech, Pordenone, September 20-21, 2023, Stand 9-E04. Metrolab is set to…

Metrolab is attending EUCAS 2023, Bologna Sept 3-7, 2023
Meet Stéphane and Antoine during EUCAS 2023. Exciting News! Metrolab is thrilled to be a part…

Philip Keller joins IEEE Magnetic Society Standards Committee
We are pleased to announce that our colleague Philip Keller has been appointed Chair of…

2023 Conference Schedule
We’re thrilled to announce that our team will attend tradeshows and conferences this year to…

Magnetics 2022
Metrolab Technology SA is attending Magnetics 22 on February 8th and 9th in Orlando, Florida, USA. Antoine Daridon…

Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications
Research and Development using the THM1176 The three-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176 finds many applications across the world,…

Distribution agreement with Fraunhofer IIS
Metrolab and Fraunhofer IIS sign a distribution agreement for HallinSight® technology. Metrolab is delighted to announce…

Coiltech Italia 2021
Metrolab Technology SA is attending Coiltech Italia 2021 from September 22nd to the 23rd in…

Do it yourself: Automated 3D magnetic flux density mapping system
Aaron Purchase from the University of Alberta in Canada shares all the details to build…

Python driver and EPICS hosting for the THM1176
Wouter Gins from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland shares his Python driver and EPICS…

Ayscom dataTec to distribute Metrolab products in Spain
Metrolab Technology SA, the global market leader for precision magnetometers, has today announced a distribution agreement…